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Wood and Laminate Kitchen Door Painting
Our client in Surbiton, London had been advised by their local estate agent to modernise their kitchen by spray painting the cabinet doors. Complete Refinish was called in to provide the solution.
Quick Hassle Free Turnaround
The doors were wood and end panels laminated. This project had a short lead time and needed to be completed effiiciently and conveniently. With the cupboards filled with its contents, without the need of plumbers and electricians. We set about our business.
Specialist Kitchen Paint
The doors and handles were removed and the necessary area masked to spray paint the laminated unit edges and end panels in Purbeck Stone – Farrow & Ball. A satin finish was required to achieve a smooth factory like finish.
Shaker Style Kitchen Cabinet Doors
The doors were spray painted in our purpose built workshop and returned ready to refit and assemble.
Easy Wipe and Smooth Finish
The factory-like refinished doors are fitted and handles replaced.
Convenience Without The Compromise
With a turnaround of 7 days, this kitchen and home was put on the market and ready to be show cased with pride.